
陈皮非珍品 辣椒不偷看  美女带宠物  啄木鸟捡钱  农民吃比薩  喜鹊零食赚  走马有宝钻  突破敌防线  14 English words P
Citrus Non-treasures/Pepper does not peek/Pet beauty/Woodpecker Jianqian/Farmers to eat pizza/Magpies make snacks/There Silmarillion cursory/Break through the enemy line of defense
The idea for葬礼 riddle marks the highest level in a particular point of research in contemporary relm of word analysis, as far as I know.
Its new discovery has filled a vancancy in this area since Xu Shen of East   Han Dynasty.

葬礼应是主要礼节  千丌别开玩笑  熔炉里面重温英语  才可热烈喧闹   6 English words F-   This is a result based
搗亂是荷心嗎?   訂婚不是關禁閉  禁閉我們的變鼓勵 贊助促進大興起  核心再來一個好提氣 4 e-
