号外:好消息!拯救千万鲨鱼的胜利!-Breaking: Victory for Millions of Sharks!̴


经过长时间的战斗,在所有爱心民众呼吁呐喊艰辛付出之后,美国加州州长杰瑞.布朗(Jerry Brown) 刚刚签署了第376法案,通过了此一法律,即禁止鲨鱼鱼翅在加州的一切销售,加工,运输买卖!




中国是目前世界上最大的鱼翅消费国,每年多达7900万只鲨鱼因此而被捕杀。鲨鱼是海洋生态中的重要物种,请与我们携手保护它!请点击: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_73eb4cb80100uwi1.html#comment1 ,在文章后面留言“我承诺不吃鱼翅”,支持鲨鱼保护!

Breaking: Victory for Millions of Sharks!‏

It’s been a long fight, but after all of your hard work we won!

Governor Jerry Brown just signed Assembly Bill 376 into law, meaning the sale, possession or distribution of shark fins is banned in California!

Thank your lawmakers now for doing the right thing and protecting sharks.

Because of caring people like you, Defenders members sent over 47,000 messages to California lawmakers, urging them to support the ban on shark fins.

And they listened -- as of this coming January, shark fins will no longer be permitted to be sold, possessed or distributed in California. Thank your lawmakers now.

This fight continues to gain momentum around the world, not just here in the states. Countries from Canada to Singapore are taking steps to stop or limit the sale and trade of these fins due to the brutal practices involved in acquiring them.

By prohibiting the sale, possession and distribution of shark fins in our state, we are reducing the demand and helping to limit shark deaths, since each year up to 73 million are killed for their fins alone!

Send a message now and thank your lawmakers for taking a stand for wildlife conservation and supporting AB 376.

Thanks again for being a part of this huge victory for sharks and for wildlife around the world!

Kim Delfino
California Program Director
Defenders of Wildlife
