为了安慰这位音乐老师,又不想再给中国妈妈一个闷砖头,我回复如下:Wish your little one can recover soon. Thanks for the information you sent to us.我这中性的问候,立刻得到了美国老师的反应:Thanks for your kind words.我估计那位中国妈妈的确让这位美国老师觉得很不舒服。
TravelerCheck 发表评论于
Good point.
I have the simular experience and thoughts: a few weeks ago, I flew from Los Angels to North Carolina. It was an overnight flight, departed from LA at 10:55pm, and the majority of the passengers were planned to sleep through the flight for sure. Unfortunately, two babies in the airplane did not plan so. They just cried one after another. More than 4-hr flight, I did not hear any of the 300+ passengers complain or show anger. The moms of the babies tried to sooth the babies but I did not hear any harsh in their voice either.
bounty 发表评论于
凉米线 发表评论于
我所指的是楼下跟贴的人, 楼主地宽容豁达我较为欣赏
凉米线 发表评论于
尊重人和理解人是做人的基本, 不要把粗鲁和无知当骄傲,更不要表现得你是个中国人,让我们蒙羞。
陈晚 发表评论于
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
PrincetonNJ 评论于:2011-10-06 15:49:53 [回复评论]
to ecocitymeng:
我气的吃不下? 我一气吃更多!.. lol...
没法稳重, O型血, 爱憎分明, 血有肉的, 性情中人...
To PrincetonNJ: 刚开始俺把你当作一位不讲卫生的男士了,才出言的.话重的地方,请你悠着点,别气的吃不下.不过,你也不再是个小丫头片子了,不要动不动就那么冲动,骂人,稳重点,难道有点沉浮就不好吗?
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
To PrincetonNJ: Remember that I am Your brother. Be nice to me. I know you are very smart young lady. So do whatever you enjoy except for those dirty words. Can you?
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
To PrincetonNJ: 反正你与美国朋友一起已经学"坏"了,竟然那么多脏话,佩服.顺便告诉你,俺去补钙哈.
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
To PrincetonNJ:哈哈,看来咱两的战争还没有结束,你请继续...不过谢谢你的建议.
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
To PrincetonNJ: 你也别跟我猴急,那"品"字是五笔的错:).不象你中不中西不西的,你不会连俺们的方块字都不会了吧? 别和俺再斗争了,俺不再回你了,累!不过,你可要记住明天早起后刷过牙漱过口,把自己弄干净了再出门.
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
To Princeton NJ: 况且现在大家都讲环保,你就别再随地大小便了,有爱观瞻。
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
To PrincetonNJ:那是因为俺见你用俺中国字骂人了.
ecocitymeng 发表评论于
To PrincetonNJ: 切忌当有人将你往客屋里挂时,你就别再硬拧.顺便告诉你俺是个乡下人,也没有啥文化,不象你一口三嘴,那么能拽。
To PrincetonNJ:你真是不招人待见,就连我这个旁观者看了也不爽,干吗动不动满品脏话,早晨起来没有刷牙?况且水影儿也就是谈谈自己的感受,你至于那么大惊小怪吗?没文化!
快乐就好运 发表评论于
From reading this story, those two American moms portrait themselves to me as people who couldn't stand the Chinese mom only cares for her kid and not showing any understanding to this emergency sistuation or sympathy to the teacher. She doesn't have to be a sucker(like she would have been if lived in China), but why the pain in the ass??
As for the American moms: "they suck to people who have power, such as their bosses at work if they work. However, they will definitely step on your toes if you aren’t their boss.”
Well, you really look way beyond things.. we don't know that much of details about those two moms, they are aggressive in a way so they might be difficult people to work with, a pain in the butt to their boss or they might be the difficult boss to work for in the real life. Who knows?
快乐就好运 发表评论于
这确是个人的素质问题,the Chinese mom in the story 不具备宽容这种美德,this is not labelling, the mom happened to be Chinese. Hands up for the two American moms too, "美国”妈妈不是群起而攻之,她们是喜欢打抱不平,心里想什么就会说出来,不怕“得罪”人。而大多数的中国人是中庸的态度including myself, I would have written the same email to the teacher as 博主 to show my understanding while not pissing anybody off.
I agree with ONE thing PrintonNJ said: "The teacher just did her job. Otherwise, ALL parents would make complaints”
但是学会了抱怨也得看看什么情况再抱怨吧?这是我们中国人学习过程中的矫枉过正——还不熟练而已。可是总的看来海外华人是在学习欧美的生活方式及文化习惯——你不要学,保持中国的文化传统,很好。那就呆在那里试试看啰,see if it works。maybe you can do it, but you still have to respect others' choice.
PrinctonNJ, calm down. 这么激动哦, reminded me of Teresa from the Housewives of NJ. (yes, I am a closet Housewives fan, only NJ though). BTW,I love Princeton. Lived there for almost a decade.
i feel sorry for you. clearly you feel very isolated and angry and probably helpless.
zyxlady 发表评论于
Of course, most of Chinese won't stand up for anything that is not related to themselves.
Chinese live in America are a little better, at least i hope so.
And also, the two mothers will make the same comments had the complaint came from any race.
zyxlady 发表评论于
you don't understand that in American, you cannot just tell people to mind their own business. American love to stand up for unfairness to anyone and for anyone. If it's not for that spirit, blacks are still salves and Chinese are still pigs.