
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)
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来源: 浮上来冒个小泡2011-10-01 16:03:29
URL: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/zhongyiingfanyi/118989.html



They are regularly accused of being too confident – even cocky – but the highest achievers are more often than not those who over-rate their ability.


让人心动、时髦、轻松而优雅,这是伦敦时装周的设计师们对凯特 • 米德尔顿的风格的评价,她的着装选择将可能刺激英国服装产业的发展。

Inspiring, chic and effortlessly elegant -- that's what designers at London Fashion Week have hailed Kate Middleton's style, as her sartorial choices could prove a potential stimulus to Britain's clothing industry.


组织者担心会重演 1996 年亚特兰大奥运会的失败历史,那届奥运会由于交通混乱导致许多竞赛者都错过了比赛,被称为 “ 失误奥运会 ” 。

Organizers fear a repetition of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics which became known as the ' Glitch Games' after transport chaos caused many competitors to miss their events.


地震将拉奎拉 (L’Aquila) 的中世纪中心震成一片碎石,还夷平了周边村落,使罗马东北的拉奎拉地区看起来像战区。

The earthquake reduced much of L’Aquila’s medieval centre to rubble and flattened surrounding villages, leaving the region, north-east of Rome, looking like a war zone.



New York is a Mecca for American stars of stage and screen, but rather than seeking attention at the city's hot spots, one Chinese Internet sensation has been hiding out in a nail salon in Brooklyn because of the backlash she received in her own country.

