瑜伽笔记之二 -- 通过平衡与协调获得美貌

-- Richard Hittleman's "Yoga 28 day exercise plan" 之摘录
Physical beauty is an external expression of the spirit. It growsand is cultivated internally
and without conscious effort it is manifested externally.

Genuine beauty is all-encompassing and is present not only inphysical appearance but in movement, voice,thought andfeeling.

When one becomes aware of the infinite power and beauty of her own,individual body.
There is a natural attempt on who to cultivate thosecharacteristics of beauty which lie within her.

Poise, grace, beauty carriage and balance are essential qualitiesof beauty
emerge naturally from the yoga practice, and carried over into allof your
daily activities and, although subtle, are felt by everyone whocomes in
contact with them. The "difference" reflects the poise andconfidence gained
through yoga.

You are young as your spine is flexible. A stiff, inflexible bodycannot be a truly healthy and beautiful one.