瑜伽笔记之六 -- 食物与健康

-- Richard Hittleman's "Yoga 28 day exercise plan" 之摘录


The chief sources of life-force (prana) are: air, water, sleep,food and sunlight. You are free to choose from a multitude of foodproducts. Since foods can sap your vitality as well as nourish you,your eating habits may well be doing you more harm than good!


After some meals you will observe that you are alive and energizedwhereas others will leave you heavy, dull, lethargic in both bodyand mind. This is important revelation. Almost all illnesses can beattributed directly or indirectly to the toxins, acids and wasteproducts continually formed by inferior foods that cannot beproperly digested and eliminated. The body is capable of copingwith most germs that enter it, providing that this body is in apure, clean, healthy state with ability ot call upon its defenseagents as needed. A physical organism that is low in resistancebecause its defense agents are occupied in other areas, trying tocope with toxins, congestion and deposits, is greatly weakened inits attempt to fight these germs.


All foods should be consumed in a from that is as close to theirnatural state as digestion permits. In their natural state, mostfoods contain life-force. The Yogi believes that the less you eat,the better you will feel, providing your food is of a highquality;Yogi is concerned not with the amount of food he eats butwith the amount of life-force in that food.


The less you eat, the better you will look and feel. Your mealshould always leave you feeling light and energized in body andclear in mind. The more simple and homogeneous your foods, the morequickly and completely they will be digested and utilized.