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来源: 由 御树林枫 转载 来源:Mid-Valley Women's Crisis Service


• 虐待者常常针对妇女的习惯和毛病有敌意地开玩笑

• 不顾受害者的感受

• 以不表示同意作为一种惩罚

• 大声呼喝受害者

• 用很侮辱性的字句给受害者标签:发疯、贱人、笨蛋

• 重覆地针对受害者讲一连串的侮辱说话,为要造成对受害者最大的心理损害

• 在家庭成员和其他人面前重覆地羞辱受害者

• 在社交上甚至地理上孤立受害者(比如,把受害者迁移到偏远的地点)

• 虐待者把自己所有的麻烦和失败都归咎受害者

• 恐吓要对受害者、孩子或其他家人报复和使用暴力

• 践踏受害者作为母亲、情人、工人、等等的能力

• 要求受害者随时候命并对孩子常表现忿恨不满

• 把他自己的婚外性生活告诉受害者

• 经常控诉她有婚外情,即使她根本没有意慾或自由去作那些事

• 给受害者 “敌意的静默”

• 威胁要虐待孩子和/或领取他们的监管权

• 告诉受害者跟随他,因为她需要他,并且她无法自己生活

• 指责受害者使用暴力,如果她以任何方式保护自己

• 质疑她的感觉是否真实

• 强迫她在经济上依靠他:他妨碍她取得工作,禁止她找工作或使她的生活非常混乱以致被开除,和/或 把她的钱拿走

• 践踏或否定受害者的历史、传统遗产、信念、价值

• 撞打牆壁(不是打她)去展示力量

• 毁坏对她有情感价值的个人物品去表示他也能毁坏她

• 恐吓要折磨或杀害她的/他们的爱畜

• 威胁要自杀如果受害者不跟他一起或从他心愿

• 花很多时间在受害者面前清洁枪械或刀子

• 恐吓要杀她或她的孩子

• 破坏受害者的自尊

Emotional abuse always accompanies, and in most cases precedes, physical battering. Targeted, repeated emotional abuse can severely affect the victim's sense of self and of reality. Here is a list of emotionally abusive behaviors abusers use against their partners:

  • Abuser makes hostile jokes about the habits and faults of women

  • Ignores the victim's feelings

  • Withholds approval as a form of punishment

  • Yells at the victim

  • Labels the victim with generally insulting terms: crazy, bitch, stupid

  • Repeatedly delivers a series of insults specific to the victim and designed to inflict maximum psychological damage
  • Repeatedly humiliates the victim in front of family members and others

  • Isolates the victim socially, perhaps geographically as well (for example, by moving the family to a remote location)

  • Blames the victim for all the abuser's troubles and failures

  • Threatens physical violence and retaliation against the victim, children or other family members

  • Puts down the victim's abilities as a mother, lover, worker, etc

  • Demands all the victim's attention and resents the children
  • Tells the victim about his sexual affairs

  • Constantly accuses her of having affairs, even when she does not have the desire or freedom to have affairs

  • Gives the victim the "silent treatment"

  • Threatens to abuse the children and/or get custody of them

  • Tells the victim she must stay with him because she needs him and she couldn't make it without him

  • Accuses the victim of being violent if she acts in any way to protect herself
  • Questions her sense of reality

  • Forces economic dependency: He prevents the victim from working - either by forbidding her to get a job or by making her life so chaotic that she gets fired - and/or he takes her money

  • Puts down or denies the victim's history, heritage, faith, values

  • Hits the wall, not her, to display his power

  • Breaks personal items that have sentimental value to her as a message that he can break her too