楊培安(1971年6月5日-)是一位台灣歌手,素以歌聲高亢聞名。由於長而穩定的聲音持續力而為音樂人暨歌唱節目評審包小柏所驚,給予「鐵肺王子」的外號。包小松及包小柏更曾在節目中讚其聲音為「音樂界的101」。2006年,與台灣啤酒合作的廣告歌曲《我相信》在各大電視播出,以勵志、清新的曲風快速走紅,2010年,成立「黃禾音樂工作室」。Yang Pei-An(Born June 5, 1971, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan), also known as Roger Yang, is a Taiwanese rock singer known for breaking out as an "undiscovered" talent at the age of 35 in the Taiwanese music industry with the hit song, "I Believe" that established his powerhouse, octave-jumping vocal skills, leading him to be dubbed as the "Iron Lung Prince" by the Taiwanese media and the "Treble God" by his fans. He's also been praised as "Music's 101" ,referencing how his high notes pierce the sky like the Taipei 101.