山口百惠(1959年1月17日-),日本著名歌手、影视明星。她的丈夫是三浦友和,也是日本的著名影视明星。1980年10月5日,正值顛峰的山口百惠在日本武道馆舞台上像仙女一樣出現在大家面前,放下麦克风,宣布引退,1980年11月19日與三浦友和結婚,證婚人是宇津井健。婚後育有二子。長子祐太朗是日本樂隊 Peaky SALT 的主音歌手,次子貴大是一名演員。Momoe Yamaguchi is a former Japanese singer, actress, and idol whose career lasted from 1972 to 1980. In that time, she became one of the most notable singers in Japanese music, and an acclaimed actress. She withdrew from the entertainment business at the peak of her career to marry her frequent costar, fellow actor Tomokazu Miura.