Life and Goal Organizer

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Life & Goal Organizer will help you transform 12 life areas:

1. Personal Development Module – Rediscover the best of yourself…


  • Reading and learning

  • Growing your comfort zone, trying new things, overcoming fears

  • Courses, education and training

  • Improving personal habits

  • Spirituality, mindfulness and uplifting surroundings

You’ll rekindle the fire in your belly.

2. Health & Fitness – Get your body on track…


  • Food and emotional eating

  • Creating an exercise program

  • Dealing with excuses and motivation

  • Health, wellbeing, looking and feeling good

  • Self-care, stress and energy

You’ll get organized for weight loss, fitness or any other health priority.

3. Career & Work – Accelerate your career and business goals…


  • Optimizing work, performance and relationships

  • Getting promoted

  • Finding a new job or career

  • Starting a business

You’ll get clear and take action on career and business desires, opportunities and strengths.

4. Fun & Recreation – Re-ignite your spark…


  • Sports, activities, hobbies, interests

  • Creative expression

  • Personal or family projects

  • Holidays and travel

  • Entertainment – books and movies

You’ll ‘Sharpen the saw’ with activities that refresh you.

5. Managing Technology – Take charge of technology at home and work…


  • Computer files, software, backups

  • Emails – processing, filing, streamlining

  • Gadgets – cell phones, PDAs, iPods

  • Internet and Web 2.0

You’ll use technology to serve you, not be a burden.

6. My Home – Create a home you love to share…


  • Creating a home you love, room by room

  • Clearing clutter

  • Organizing household systems and paperwork

  • Sorting car and garage

  • Simplifying home and life

You’ll be happy in a space that reflects your values and sense of style.

7. Personal Presentation – Express your best self…


  • Dressing for your life and what suits you

  • Having an organized closet

  • Skincare, grooming, poise

  • Handbag, briefcase, diary, wallet

You’ll do your own makeover and boost your confidence.

8. Strategies for Happiness – Create more happiness in your life…


  • Creating a happiness mindset

  • Optimism and beliefs

  • Goals and happiness

  • Research-based strategies for happiness

  • Releasing barriers to happiness

You’ll get proactive about being happier.

9. Money & Finance – Get your financial life sorted…


  • Debts, bills and expenses

  • Savings and investment

  • Budgeting and financial records

  • Insurance and protection

  • Advice and knowledge

You’ll organize the steps to achieving your financial aims.

10. My Relationships – Enjoy better relationships…


  • Taking stock of relationships

  • Finding new relationships

  • Reducing energy drainers

  • Meeting people, communicating better, handling conflict, being more assertive

You’ll improve what’s working and target what needs to change in your relationships.

11. Time Management – Free up your life…


  • Analyzing your schedule

  • Streamlining your schedule

  • Hidden time wasters and self-sabotage

  • Creating an ideal schedule

You’ll manage your time to reflect what matters and stop self sabotage.

12. My Family – Organize heartfelt family matters…


  • Supporting your spouse/partner

  • Helping/coaching your children with school and home challenges

  • Planning actions and conversations with family

  • Celebrating family occasions

