然则,美利坚之Freeway,常有南北向之分,北向谓之North Bound,while南向则称South Bound,翻译成糙语,就是牛X和傻X。TNND,熊就真的傻?牛就真的“牛”?
那么,年末大势呢?我真的不知道,别骂我。但是,不妨看看最近十年的特点,大概心里有一个底吧,虽然TNND不知哪个南向者言:Past Performance Does Not Indicate Future Performance。
The Inverted Hammer Candlestick Pattern

As its name implies, the inverted Hammer looks like an upside down version of the Hammer Candlestick Chart Pattern which we learned about several lessons ago. Like the Hammer Pattern, the Inverted Hammer is comprised of one candle and when found in a downtrend is considered a potential reversal pattern.
The pattern is made up of a candle with a small lower body and a long upper wick which is at least two times as large as the short lower body. The body of the candle should be at the low end of the trading range and there should be little or no lower wick in the candle.
What this chart pattern is basically telling us is that although sellers ended up driving price down to close near to where it opened, buyers had significant control of the market at some point during the period which formed the long upper wick. This buying pressure during the downtrend calls the trend into question which is why the candle is considered a potential reversal pattern. Like the other one candle patterns we have learned about however, most traders will wait for a higher open on the next trading period before taking any action based on the pattern.
Most traders will also look at a longer wick as a sign of a greater potential reversal and like to see an increase in volume on the day the Inverted Hammer Forms.

The Shooting Star Candlestick Pattern

The Shooting Star looks exactly the same as the Inverted Hammer, but instead of being found in a downtrend it is found in an uptrend and thus has different implications. Like the Inverted Hammer it is made up of a candle with a small lower body, little or no lower wick, and a long upper wick that is at least two times the size of the lower body.
The long upper wick of the chart pattern indicates that the buyers drove prices up at some point during the period in which the candle was formed but encountered selling pressure which drove prices back down for the period to close near to where they opened. As this occurred in an uptrend the selling pressure is seen as a potential reversal sign. When encountering this pattern traders will look for a lower open on the next period before considering the pattern valid and potentially including it in their trading strategy.
As with the Inverted Hammer most traders will see a longer wick as a sign of a greater potential reversal and like to see an increase in volume on the day the Shooting Star forms.

7,一个典型的(即每根bar相对于前一根都是higher hi higher lo)上升势中,出现的第一个十字。这时通常需要提高警惕。接下来,还是一根higher hi higher lo的绿bar,所以,继续观望并提高止损/赢。再下去,在上升势的第二个十字后出现一根红bar,且是lower hi lower lo,代表一个上升势的暂时终结。在这根红烛走完后即平仓、出局。再以后没看盘、无操作(钱好象据说是赚不完、也亏不完的~~)。
有些交易系统一旦分享,容易失灵. 但我说的是另一原因:
有许多人的思路是从根本出发点上有问题的, 比如 依赖预测.
但有人不懂别人的好心, 特别是有的狂妄嚣张, 总骂反驳他看法的人, 而不是探讨和谦虚,
我以前说过些交易思路方法之类, 总是点到即止, 其实就是厌恶某些人的对待别人的态度.
往往一些人不谦虚, 还对别人的善意讥讽挖苦, 骂人是嫉妒, 完全不理解别人说自己不对时的好心, 对这类人, 有的问题是非常容易看出, 也极端容易解决, 实在厌恶,不想指出他的问题, 不想让他受益.
当然, 间接无法受益的是这里的其他朋友了.
所以, 看来有个朋友的劝戒确实很对------不要去作好人.
在我的某旧贴的跟贴中, 有人不同意我关于风险控制的意思, 这没啥,交流吗,很正常. 但是语气很牛叉的那种, 不太友善, 我家穷总挨饿, 可没那么大肚-----撑不了船. 于是, 后来这仁兄在大千吃插风云时, 我就干脆闭嘴.
他现在一直不露面了, 看那股就知道, 赔了个底掉.
如果仅仅是因为最后他错了, 我才得瑟, 就太自扁身份了.
因为当时, 我真想告诉他-------即使最后你的判断对了, 赢了, 你仍然是错的. 是方法的根本性错误, 如果不改, 早晚吃大亏.