
记忆中曾跳动的烛光 今夜又照亮脸庞
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今年,我似乎蛮顺利,股票做得不错,工作上有进步。我又给自己找了个新副业,出去给人讲课。以前我最不喜欢当老师了,毕业时我坚决不留校。我以为自己讲不好的,结果出乎我自己的意料,而且我还挺ENJOY。讲完课回家吹吹牛,我爸爸很高兴。A nice distraction for all of us.

他的病情并没有好转,瘦了很多,很快。Fluid accumulated quickly in his stomach, we have to go to the hospital every two weeks to get it drained. With the loss of fluid, I can see him skin began to dry out, his face became more wrinkled. Human life, like a flower, it will fade away in a short period of time. It’s so depressing to witness the process. That’s why I posted my parent’s wedding photo online, I want to remember the blossom at its peak.

I feel like we are going the opposite directions, me uphill, him down. It’s sad to know that no matter what happens tomorrow, my life will go on.