Sarah Brightman & Love changes everything

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Brightman is a popular British performing artist well known in the fields of symphony, ballet, opera, movie, and mostly, singing. Her beautiful vocals togeter with the highly skillful handling of difficult scores make her a super star extraordinarily outstanding world wide. Yet most notably, her much better version of songs that had been sung by other super stars made her on the top of the tops, such as Time to Say Goodbye, Scarborough Fair, Dust in the Wind, and so on. Most of her singing comes with opera singing methodologies and the accuracies. This made the songs sung by her fine arts and last much longer. Hope you like her singing.

Love, love changes everything,

Hands and faces, earth and sky

Love, love changes everything,

How you live and how you die

Love, can make the summer fly,

Or a night seem like a lifetime

Yes love, love changes everything,

Now I tremble at your name

Nothing in the world will ever be the same

Love, love changes everything,

Days are longer, words mean more

Love, love changes everything,

Pain is deeper, than before

Love, will turn your world around,

And that world will last forever

Yes, love, love changes everything,

Brings you glory, brings you shame

Nothing in the world will ever be the same

Off into the world we go,

Planning futures, shaping years

Love bursts in and suddenly,

All our wisdom disappears

Love, makes fools of everyone,

All the rules we make are broken

Yes, love, love changes everything,

Live or perish, in its flame

Love will never ever let you be the same

Love will never ever let you be the same
