
1. 了解自己的基本需要量:http://walking.about.com/cs/calories/l/blcalcalc.htm
2. 了解食物的卡路里含量:http://www.calorieking.com/foods/calories-in-breads-white-bread_f-ZmlkPTY4MDkz.html
3. 制定食物种类和份量:
FoodOne Serving Equals . . .
Breads, pasta, cereal, cooked grain, etc.
(100克大米=130 卡;100克面粉=364卡,1片面包=24卡)
  • One slice of bread (size of CD case)
  • Half a bagel (size of a hockey puck)
  • One-cup cereal (two hands cupped together)
  • Half-cup cooked grain or pasta (one cupped palm)
  • One piece of fruit (size of a tennis ball)
  • Half-cup cut-up fruit, raw, cooked, frozen, or canned (size of seven cotton balls)
  • One-quarter cup dried fruit
  • Three quarters cup 100 percent fruit juice
  • Half cup cut up veggie, raw, cooked, frozen, or canned (looks like the bulb part of a lightbulb)
  • Half-cup cooked, canned or frozen legumes
  • One-cup leafy greens
  • Three quarters cup 100 percent vegetable juice
Meat, chicken, or fish(1个鸡蛋=70~90卡,100克瘦肉=165卡)
  • One ounce of cheese (two nine-volt batteries)
  • Half-cup ice cream, cottage cheese, or pudding
  • One-cup milk or yogurt
  • One-third cup (small handful)
  • One-tablespoon nut butter (size of both your thumbs)

4. 制定卡路里消耗计划(要知道1磅脂肪=3500卡):计算步行速度和距离
