Silent Night
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly host sing allehlujah
Christ the saviour is born
Christ the saviour is born
【Silent Night】,圣诞期间百听不厌的歌。 清早送来温馨, 谢忘记, -丽桥游子- ♀
(0 bytes) (7 reads) 12/24/11 08:24:22
• 嗯,不会忘记,谢谢这么美的圣诞歌声。。Merry Christmas! -beautifulwind- ♀
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 12/24/11 08:58:41
• 圣洁好听! 温馨美贴!同祝忘记圣诞节快乐! -茜雪- ♀
(0 bytes) (9 reads) 12/24/11 09:01:48
.圣洁优美感人,贴子也很美!祝忘记和小路圣诞快乐!! -XL彩虹- ♀
(0 bytes) (6 reads) 12/24/11 09:21:25
• 非常喜欢的圣诞歌曲,非常喜欢这圣洁歌声,同祝大家圣诞节快乐! -故乡小路- ♂
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 12/24/11 11:17:57
• 圣诞经典,百听不厌,忘记唱得非常圣洁优美,好听极了,顶顶顶!!! -飞雪飘花- ♀
(47 bytes) (11 reads) 12/24/11 13:55:22
• 圣洁的歌声,真好听。祝忘记圣诞节快乐! -偶尔ok- ♂
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/24/11 15:58:23
• 静美迷人~~~,祝大家圣诞节快乐! -青青校园-
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/24/11 18:06:12
• 现在正是夜里11:00 听着忘记的歌声圣洁迷人~~~ Merry Christm -Octorber-
(0 bytes) (5 reads) 12/24/11 19:59:16
• ##############感谢大家听歌美言,祝圣诞节快乐!########## -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 12/24/11 21:26:32
• 在这静谧的平安夜晚,只需带上耳机闭上眼睛,剩下的就只有美好…… 不会忘记你带来美 -梦鸽儿~- ♀
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/24/11 21:29:28
• 神圣圣洁美吟唱啊~~,很享受~~~-_-~~。贴也美~~~ -oukei49- ♂
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/26/11 06:20:10
• 圣洁,优美!!忘记唱得非常感人,金鼎!!祝忘记和家人圣诞快乐!!新年好! -潇洒走红尘- ♀
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/26/11 07:07:32
• 美贴美唱!温馨祥和宁静优美~~~令人陶醉! -小雨听听-
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/26/11 21:10:36
• #############感谢大家听歌美言,祝大家节日快乐!########## -忘了忘记-
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/27/11 05:43:32