【子女上名校,父母谈心得】 出版,买书在此

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《子女上名校 父母谈心得》 第二版



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亲爱的朋友,《子女上名校,父母谈心得》一书终于和大家见面了。本书由一群网友义务写作,出版,再将销售权100%捐赠给海外中国教育基金(OCEF)。OCEF只提供PayPal付款方式,请按“Buy Now"键付款。付款后3日内,我们会将书的电子版(PDF)发送到您的paypal的Email地址。欢迎反馈意见,到此处留言Buy Now through PayPal您的购买就是对OCEF的支持。谢谢您的购买,也提醒您不要传给他人。

endofapril 发表评论于
I bought this book some time ago, but forgot the password. Can you please send the password again to maydyang@yahoo.com? Thanks!
chenyl71 发表评论于
我在很久以前订购的此书,可是一直没有时间拜读。今天找到.pdf文件, 却发现需要密码打开。我的paypall邮箱是chenyl71@gmail.com,请再发一遍密码。 谢谢!
学着生活 发表评论于
我12月10日用信用卡买了这个电子书,至今还没有收到,请负责人尽快把书发到我的邮箱:icecream_1286@hotmail.com ,谢谢!
laochou 发表评论于
I paid by paypal, but have not received the book. Can somebody contact me at misshome888@gmail.com? thanks
handon 发表评论于
I ordered the book on 10/30/2012 via paypal.
Receipt No: *************3423L,
email: e****@yahoo.com.
I have not received book so far, please check and mail the book ASAP.

linfandaisy 发表评论于
很好的PROJECT, 请问如果买后,可以download to my Kindle 吗?
jiewu4 发表评论于
I ordered the ebook today and received it a few hour later. This is excellent book for every parent! I read the whole book and learned a lot even though my older son already got to the top school. Thank you for all your effort to make it happen.
By the way, for the people who don't receive your ebook:
You should forward your paypal payment email to wxc.book.order@gmail.com Click here for information.
jing1404 发表评论于
同样 12月19号通过paypal买的,至今没有收到书,写了email 也没人回。怎么回事呀。
jing1404 发表评论于
suwucaca 发表评论于
I ordered the book on Dec.30, 2011 via paypal.
Receipt No: *************8082,
email: L****@hotmail.com.
Please check and mail the book ASAP.

newteddybear 发表评论于
我在12/08/2008用paypal买了电子书, Transition ID *************8249, email: j****@hotmail.com. 到现在还没有收到书.

Thanks for your attention!
我爱Ugg 发表评论于