【雨中追梦】满江红 和岳飞(音画诗)(四稿,未完成稿)
【Chasing Dream in the Rain】“Man Jiang Hong”, Reply to Yue Fei in Song Dynasty
“还我河山” 岳飞书
满江红 | 满江红 |
小小茉莉,八十万、禁军教头。望紫禁、惊慌失措,丧魂失魄。一代暴富尘与土,亿万平民汗和泪。莫等闲,毁了绿树荫,空悲切。 | 怒发冲冠,凭阑处、潇潇雨歇。抬望眼、仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。 |
大同梦,犹未灵;桃花源,何时立。跨时空,求索哲理永恒。囗囗囗囗囗囗囗,囗囗囗囗囗囗囗。 待从头、重构旧山河,普天乐。 | 靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车,踏破贺兰山缺。壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。 待从头、收拾旧山河,朝天阙。 |
(四稿,未完成稿) |
“满江红” 鲍比达作曲
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Man Jiang Hong

Mǎn Jīang Hóng (simplified Chinese: 满江红; traditional Chinese: 滿江紅, literally means All are red in the River) is the title of a set of lyrical poems sharing the same pattern. If unspecified, it most often refers to the one normally attributed to legendary Song Dynasty general and Chinese national hero Yue Fei. However, the commonly accepted authorship of that particular poem has been disputed.
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[edit] The poem
Traditional Chinese | Hanyu Pinyin | English translation |
怒髮衝冠,憑欄處,瀟瀟雨歇。 | Nù fà chōng guān, píng lán chù, xiāo xiāo yǔ xiè. | My wrath bristles through my helmet, the rain stops as I stand by the rain; |
抬望眼,仰天長嘯,壯懷激烈。 | Tái wàng yǎn, yǎng Tiān cháng xiào, zhuàng huái jì liè. | I look up towards the sky and let loose a passionate roar. |
三十功名塵與土,八千里路雲和月。 | Sān shì gōng míng chén yǔ tǔ, bà qīan lǐ lù yún hé yuè. | At age thirty my deeds are nothing but dust, my journey has taken me over eight thousand li[1] |
莫等閒 白了少年頭,空悲切。 | Mò děng xián bò liǎo shào nián toú, kōng bēi qiè. | So do not sit by idly, for young men will grow old in regret. |
靖康恥,猶未雪; | Jīng kāng chǐ, yóu wèi xuè; | The Humiliation of Jing Kang[2] still lingers, |
臣子恨,何時滅? | Chén zǐ hèn, hé shí miè? | When will the pain of his subjects ever end? |
駕長車踏破 賀蘭山缺! | Jià cháng jū tà pò Hèlán shān què! | Let us ride our chariots through the Helan Pass, |
壯志飢餐胡虜肉,笑談渴飲匈奴血。 | Zhuàng zhì jī cān Hú lǔ rù, xiào tán kè yǐn Xiōng nú xuè. | There we shall feast and drink barbarian flesh and blood. |
待從頭收拾舊山河,朝天闕。 | Daì cóng tóu shōu shì jiù shān hé, cháo Tiān què. | Let us begin anew to recover our old empire[3], before paying tribute to the Emperor. |
[edit] Authorship controversy
The common belief is that Yue wrote the poem in 1133 at the age of 30 after the capture of Emperors Qinzong and Huizong by Jurchen invaders (known as the "Humiliation of Jingkang" as mentioned in the poem) alongside Emperor Gaozong's retreat to modern-day Hangzhou in 1127 and the subsequent formation of the Southern Song Dynasty.
However, Princeton University History Professor James T.C. Liu states that Yue's version was actually written by a different person during the early 16th century.[4] The poem was not included in the collected works of Yue Fei compiled by Yue's grandson, the poet and historian, Yue Ke (岳柯, 1183 - post 1234). And it was never mentioned in any major works written prior to the Ming Dynasty. The section that states the author's wish "to stamp down the Helan Pass" is what led scholars to this conclusion. Helan Pass was in the land of Western Xia, which was not a military target of Yue's armies. Prof. Liu suggests the "real author of the poem was probably Chao K’uan who engraved it on a tablet at Yueh Fei’s tomb in 1502, in order to express the patriotic sentiments which were running high at that time, about four years after General Wang Yueh had scored a victory over the Oirats near the Ho-lan Pass in Inner Mongolia."[4]
[edit] Notes
- ^ a li (ancient Chinese measurement of distance) is about a half of a kilometre or a 1/3 of a mile.
- ^ this is in reference to the shame of the capture of Kaifeng and Emperor Qinzong in the Jingkang Incident in 1127.
- ^ In 1141 the Song signed the humiliating Treaty of Shaoxing that forced the Song Dynasty to renounce all claims to all lands north of the Huai river. In other words, the Chinese were humiliated into becoming a tributary of the Jurchens.
- ^ a b James T. C. Liu. "Yueh Fei (1103-41) and China's Heritage of Loyalty." The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol. 31, No. 2 (Feb., 1972), pp. 291-297
[edit] See also
- (English) Manjiang Hong translation
- (Chinese) Manjiang Hong rm download (among others)
★ “ ‘今日岳飞’与‘国民公会' ” - 2008年上海印象之三 2008-08-01
★ 气贯长虹: 《九三年》第三章“国民公会”显示出“人文关怀”精神的大手笔 2011-04-18
• 【Chasing Dream in the Rain】“Man Jiang Hon -稚雨- ♂
(1766 bytes) (16 reads) 3/25/11 17:27:29
• '一代暴富尘与土,亿万平民汗和泪。"这句和的好! -为人父- ♂
(0 bytes) (12 reads) 3/25/11 20:22:09
• 为人君明鉴。 -稚雨也- ♂
(0 bytes) (8 reads) 3/26/11 07:14:42
• 。。。。踏破金鞋无睨处,得来都会费周折。待从头、重构旧山河,普天乐。 -墙根儿- ♂
(0 bytes) (22 reads) 3/25/11 20:56:03
• 恕不采纳。建议补课,先读三遍德国童话《小木克》,借助他那双飞鞋,求索天下脑海,N年后再作填词不迟。
口不择言 口角春风
口出不逊 口吐珠玑
口轻舌薄 口快心直
口诛笔伐 口吻生花
口讲指画 口碑载道
口蜜腹剑 口耳并重
口是心非 口吻生花
-xiaokanshijie- ♂
(414 bytes) (42 reads) 3/25/11 08:24:47
• 铿锵有力的书法,英勇而悲壮的满江红。 -小声音- ♀
(0 bytes) (27 reads) 3/25/11 09:35:55
• 书法潇洒豪放,音乐激荡人心,谢谢分享! -lili~- ♀
(0 bytes) (29 reads) 3/25/11 12:06:04
• 岳飞倘若在世,该是无比欣慰了。谢谢各位。 -稚雨也- ♂
(0 bytes) (23 reads) 3/26/11 07:55:12