I am glad you are more diplomatic than me.
Anyway, there is another famous book about this subject. The book is “How to stop worrying and start living” by Dale Garnegie. There is also a good movie about this- The Secrete.
The point is - you can not depend on other people for your happiness. You will fail if you do so.
The definition for HAPPINESS can be very wide. Different people may have very different views for happiness.
There's an interesting book called Happiness Trap. The author Russ Harris explains that the way most of us go about trying to find happiness ends up making us miserable, driving the epidemics of stress, anxiety, and depression.
if you just sit there waiting:
"i am not happy right now. please, someone makes me happy," you will end up never happy because you wear the out.
the key element of happy is not selfish, how about starting from how to make other people happy .
this is the worst recommondation i have ever heard.
temptemp 发表评论于
happiness is coming from inside by yourself, you should first happy with yourself.
many, many people have all above - job, husband, kid, and friends, but never happy.
雨墨 发表评论于
houmom 发表评论于
点点66 发表评论于
need all of them, not just one of them, plus health