要见的人当中,有个是我的老乡兼大学的校友,他是美术系的,上次回去就想见,结果没成。昨天,无意中在网站上看到,他已成了“家”了,看了一会儿他的作品,留住我的心的,却是他的简介中出生地:xx省 xx 县,曾经多么熟悉的地方,竟然有十多年不说了。。。 现在被问到是哪里人时,最小的也是省了,可记忆深处,那个梦开始的地方,总是有些特别的挂念。。。
Your generous attitude to others is your greatest blessing. It starts with your family, friends and associates. You are happy. Your energy is strong. Your spirit is high. Refuse to let your own demands pull you down and get you stuck in the worldly side. Stay focused on today and everything will work out.