開除人還在,精盡人始亡,經驗已遭受,試驗去盼望 7 e-
机会讲 时 见解成需时 或者表示选择 最 异于 时 5 English words
倘若向来是无常 搪风参汤烫海棠 唐突之言甚荒唐 堂奥之言深于塘
googled If not often Tangfengtangtang Begonia Offensive words absurd
If not often /Keep out the wind Ginseng hot Begonia/Offensive words absurd
The leading edge of the pond deeper than words/The leading edge of the pond deeper than words
Even after that Beijing #2 posted many reading aloud, I rarely practiced.
Touched by this new consept "thinking aloud", I take it as a valued treasure for changing my condition.
Some other specialists warned us to prohibit this action. Now I want to say: Do whatever you think is good for you, ignore some of those rules.
Keeping humming is one of Sargent's trick for painting well his master portrait painying.
关听并转管卡压 关机 听铃 并转 管 custody 卡 压
登主峰顽固蠢笨 因固执而白捐赠 不如无所作为人 支配房产高高耸 7 English words
宁愿毛骨悚然短期 不作奴隶束缚长久 2 English words
斥責無力, 剝奪了事 denounce-denude