Pao's Chinese Class
Hello, I'm Pao Pao your neighbor and I would like to take students to teach Chinese.I am in N middle school, 6th grade and have been learning Chinese for 8 years. I formally learned PIN YIN(the accurate pronunciation or Chinese) since I was four. I Then started to learn Chinese characters starting with book 1 since I was six.I have been taking Chinese lessons both from my mom and in a Chinese school. Book 12 is the American Chinese school graduation level. Currently, I am on book 9. I am very fluent in speaking, reading, and writing Chinese. My mother language is English, Chinese is my second language and I am now taking my third language, French.
If you hire me to teach your children Chinese, my requirements are:
The lessons take place preferably at your house.I shall be teaching once a week on Saturdays (each lesson is 45 minutes).Lessons start at preferably 2:00 PM or 3:00 PM.Homework will be assigned every week except for holidays and the first week.There will be quizzes every week, and a test every four weeks.I will be charging $5 each class no matter how many kids per household.
Within the first four weeks, I will be teaching the kid(s):
Their names, the ten numbers, 5 colors and 5 fruits. I will also teach them how to say the words, write them, and read them. I will also teach some correct pronunciations for words and if the progress is going faster than expected, I will teach them extra for free.If you would like me to teach your kids, then please call me and I will start on a Saturday after New Years. The first lesson will be free to see if the kid(s) like it.
My number is 878-5428. I hope your children would like to join.
Thank You
Pao Pao