Yuja Wang Piano

浪遏飞穹 发表评论于
I just listened to Wang's Mendelssohn play. She got my attention right away and the performance is marvelous and deeply connected to music, with fine tuned detailes and something special extra left in my impression. Just love her play and I personally think it's better than Langlang's.
秀山 发表评论于
我一直挺喜欢王羽佳的钢琴, 尤其是她弹的门德尔松的曲子. 她很早小就出名了, 在中央音乐学院附小、附中有"钢琴宝贝"的美称. 她现在是国际大师, 但她和Sarah Chang 等都在Calgary过度学习过两三年.