就连今年金球奖获奖电影 The Descendants这片子,我看了,居然最感慨的都是,deal with teen and/or pre-teen kids。感受很复杂(似曾相识、郁闷、苦忍、 无措、 祈祷......), 从片中两个女儿她们一出场就开始有,直到全片结束。所以, 当我看到下面这段VEDIO的感受就可想而知了。
我们一起来回看了几遍,感叹万千,却愤慨而无奈。他如是说: "Being a father of a daughter at similar age, I used to expect much less than this father was asking his daughter, and I've never been violent like him shooting fire arms, but both this daughter and mine show the same kind of arrogance, and disrespect. My daughter behaves so not only with me, but also with other people, like teachers...I'm wondering how this daughter treats other people...the way she moves and talks exactly reminds me of my daughter..."
看起来的年龄这点,我和大朋友却一点都不怀疑,因为实在是太象了,那言语那口气那神态那打扮。他这个还没十五的时候,我的朋友看真人看相片都说她在20's。有老友,以前见过她不少次,可能也就大半年没见吧,见到居然都没认出来。上次回国,见到我也是TEEN的侄儿侄女们,大朋友好一通感慨呀: 这才是个孩子样呀. What’s wrong with the teenagers here nowadays?!
Craze parents! I have two children, a daughter of 22 and a son of 12. I have never had such problems with my kids because I knew there is a special stage in their development during the teenage. It is actually a part of their socialization. I would suggest these parents learn some child psychology. Besides, they are absolutely wrong shooting the laptop with a gun or “teaching” their kids by destroying their favorite toys. I would never talk this with my kids!