A Cover Version Vs. The Original

A  Cover Version Vs. The Original 

To be honest, I am not a big fan of cover versions, originally, but recently I start paying attentions to the covers, which sometimes surprised me with the delightful and amazing talents exhibited by these later artists.  The part that impressed me most is that apparently these remakers took incredible challenges in the original version of songs sung  by some very popular and famous singers, yet  churned out really excellent music; occasionally even more awesome  than the original pieces. In some cases, the cover interpreted the meaning of the lyrics in deeper or fresher angles that original artists failed to present.

In case some people don’t know the term of  “cover version”or simply “cover” ,  please allow me to explain a bit;  a cover means, in music landscapes, an attempt made by some  musician(s)  to remake a song or a piece of music recorded previously.

Tonight, I’d like to introduce you a cover version  of  song– “Secrets”  done  by Tiffany Alvord & ThePinaoGuys. The original song was sung by OneRepulic. In my opinion the cover is better than the original. Well, it’s only my opinion, please listen to it , and you’ll be the judge. J

纵然平行 发表评论于

“提琴和钢琴总是最能打动我的心。” Me 2, plus guitar. :))

I’d agree with you that 19 years old Tiffany Alvord indeed is young singer, and she knows how to take the advantage of it as well. :)

However, it seems to me that at least in this particular song, she shows her talent beyond radiant youth by interpreting the original lyric in a fresh way. For example in the clip, at the rocky hill slop she was able to reveal her inner concealed emotions while in the public setting, she put on brave and seemingly happy face. In such contradicting delivery mechanism, the songwriter’s intention embedded in the lyrics are exposed and reflected through her voice and her acting in a real convincing manner.
盈袖2006 发表评论于
