白色乐谱. 蓝调(雪景图片)

这个冬天不太冷,应了专家们Global Warming的话,多伦多几乎没怎么下雪。上周六下了一整天,只到下午四点钟,雪才停,太阳出来了,我赶紧到我家周围去拍了几张白色的照片。星期天因为去看多伦多国际车展,没时间拍雪景。星期一天空非常蓝,雪还没化,我又出门拍了些蓝色照片。























微波仙子 发表评论于
素月-2006- 发表评论于
圈外闲人 发表评论于
微波仙子 发表评论于
回复megchen的评论:It's so nice of you to make such productive suggestions. I checked Outside In VS. Inside Out and found out you are right. I feel so luck to have you,my good friend, to give me good advice and suggestions now and in the future. How I wish you be my photograph instructor and give me some assignment or tell me sth.about your photograph experinces...
megchen 发表评论于
continue megchen的评论:

If you removed those flowers on the tables, they could have been very good ones. ___sorry, should have been : removed those flowers on the tables for the last two pictures in the post Outside In VS. Inside Out .

I always typed in a hurry :-((((
megchen 发表评论于

Just quickly read your writing 《一步跨进三流摄影家行列(原创)》and 《【回顾2011】三流摄影家忙里偷闲的作业》.

You have a very good equipment;-) hahahahahha, a lot of potentials.

I noticed some other pictures like those in your post Outside In VS. Inside Out. I like them. If you removed those flowers on the tables, they could have been very good ones. Anyway, it's your home, you have a lot of chances to practise.:-))) Practice makes excellence!

You should be proud of yourself. I am not a professional. Photography simply used to be my hobby. But in recent years, I was too distracted and not invloved it too much. Wish I can provide some useful suggestion for you in the future.

Thanks for your kind words and talk to you later!
微波仙子 发表评论于
回复多得ta的评论:谢谢你的鼓励。我知道“专业”两个字是对我的最大表扬, 但我不敢当,我知道我还很业余。我住多伦多北部一个小镇上,这些景都是我家周围农村景色,我拍它们的春夏秋冬。
微波仙子 发表评论于
回复megchen的评论:I feel shame of myself. I am using Canon 5D II and Canon S95. I do not know how to use their functions. Have you ever read my articles about my studying photography《一步跨进三流摄影家行列(原创)》and 《【回顾2011】三流摄影家忙里偷闲的作业》? I will take your advise to improve my skills. Thank you so much again. Have a nice weekend and give you a big hug.

多得ta 发表评论于
megchen 发表评论于

Some of your pictures are very artistic.

I think you have a very good talent on composition. Your pictures conveys a good sense of depth. The framing part is also good. I am not sure what kind of camera you are using... my only suggestion might be you may explore a little bit further on technical side.

looking forward to your next series...
微波仙子 发表评论于
回复megchen的评论:Thank you so much for your comment and encouragement. I have a long way to go.
megchen 发表评论于

No 意见!only admiration...they are very good!

Especially like 1, 2, 3, 6 and 11. #10 can be very good if it could be a little bit cleaner. The contrast of #1 may have some room for adjustment.