ask if he provide donation reciept; then he probably shtus up; all his donation money and expenditure should be audited.
nicehigh82 发表评论于
ask if he can provide donation reciept for tax purpose; then he probably shuts up; all his donated money and expenditure shoudl be audited.
abcdef654321 发表评论于
I do not think his phone call has anything to do with the donation. You do not have to donate if you do not want to.
tiantianma 发表评论于
tiantianma 发表评论于
Blue.Crab 发表评论于
I guess those are political contributions. If you support his cause and believe he has a chance to win, you may want to give a little more. However, if you don't share his viewpoint or he has no chance of winning, why do you want to waste your money?