The Myth of the Dragon Power--Jeremy Lin

The Myth of the Dragon Power
Jeremy Lin - #17            
 Born on 08/23/1988, Palo Alto, CA
Lin was born at the day of Metal Dog, month of Metal Monkey, and the year of Earth Dragon.
There was too much metal energy in Jeremy’s birth chart. The West Coast and Bay Area possesses strong metal energy which produces overwhelming push-back and competition for Lin to play point guard for the Golden State Warriors and Stanford University. That’s why Lin did not work out well with Stanford & Warriors respectively.
The East Coast, particularly Boston and New Year area, possesses strong wood and water energy which balances out Lin’s energy chart and provide good fortune for Lin to glow. That’s why Lin and Harvard & Knicks click so well. 
Lin will excel and do really well for years to come in East Coast, China, and Taiwan where the Wood and Water energy resides.  Way to go Linsanity!!
While Lin has the talent, religion faith, and the required hard work, the year of the Water Dragon actually helps Lin to jump the curve starting from 2/4/2012, as the Water Dragon always helps the disadvantages and answers to their prayer.
Dragon is a sign of tuning point & game changer. United States was doing well before year 2000, but was starting to descend economically in year 2000, the year of Metal Dragon.
People were doing poorly @ United States in the last two years will do much better this year.
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