Does Age Bring People The Talents ?

Does Age Bring People The Talents ? 
It is my humble and biased opinion that the true innate talents have little to do, if nothing to do, with a person’s age. I could argue with people who'd think differently and believe that attributes of talent/special abilities simply contribute to environmental influences or intensive training: simply put,  the excellence comes from the accumulations of experiences from time -  the aging process.  Granted, giftedness or innate talents are defined in wide ranges throughout time and spaces, yet time to time I notice many young individuals, especially in in art and music fields often demonstrate brilliant competence resulted in the strong evidence of presence of natural aptitudes.  So it would be safe to say that those young talented  people who have some natural high aptitudes can learn faster, deeper and wider than their peers, therefore they tend to excel in their youth.

Maybe this is unrelated above, even in the field that is demanding and stressful sector where I work, it’s not uncommon to see  many young guys in their 20s and 30s show  the exceptional insights pertaining to market sentiments and industry potentials well before the trends take shapes. Next time if you hear those old "experts"  running around and spreading the rumors on popular talk-shows or in PBS programs by saying that 2008 fanatical melt-down was caused by the creative products incepted by some unexperienced young guys, please don’t buy their arguments.  The real truth is that those old dudes were equally guilty as the young ones, possibly even more. Don’t forget, they were the ones who had hailed those products as the “pure innovations and breakthrough” back then.

Speaking of experiences,  the fact is , if stripped off the old money  from the funds before the melt-down,  chances are, the return on the funds  that those oldguys are managing  may fare far poorer than that  younger generation FMs when the ROIs are compared  in real dollar and cents after someday the recession in the view of the rear mirror.

It’s true that experiences indeed help, but it's possible that  there could be something which is  born with, one either has it or doesn't, period.

纵然平行 发表评论于

Thanks for your support, you know what is my point in this piece, right ?

Uhuh, I am afraid that you can not wiggle your way out of your obligation, that would be too “lame”. :))

Cool, I'd like to know what kind of fashion hats if you don’t mind. :)

九月独处 发表评论于

Realizing the question is not to me, but with all the sincerity, I'm taking it --- "I'm just checking" for my once promised "rain check" :-) :-)

Hats off to you! :-) :-)
纵然平行 发表评论于
Yes, I know which chef you are talking about , it’s Tony Bourdain, right?

About the your point from the Chinese adage “The mature ginger roots are more spicier than the younger ones.” My thought is that in most cases, it holds true; but when it comes to certain innate talents, such implication would be on a shaky ground. Let me give you a recent example, last week a 6 years old girl from Virginia beat all her opponents (who are much older than her) at Bee contest in her county. So she will compete with all other contenders in National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C. My point is, as I said, age is not necessary correlated with ability, always even exp. is an important winning aspect for lots of people.

Are you finally out of “hibernation” or just checking ? :))
苏乡门地 发表评论于
"It’s true that experiences indeed help, but it's possible that  there could be something which is  born with, one either has it or not, period."--- 听上去特耳熟呢^_^

"Skills can be taught.  Character you either have or don't have."这是一位大厨说的,名字我不说你也能猜到:))


过来人吧,的确大多惯于认可这么个理:姜还是老的辣。 显然,您上来便给出了反证。 其实,事到如今,再如何埋怨哪一方"拆烂污",都已无济于事,唯一老少一并深刻反思,求大同存小异,像楼主这样,才有光明前景~」~
