
母亲在过完最后一个农历新年后在2012年1月27日4:50pm去世了。她把她一生都奉献给了她的家庭。我们算是环境不错的家庭,但她留下的只有一个2000多块的户口本万分叮嘱我们要留着给老爷买一块墓地,她说她出国以后一直很想家,很想孝敬他们,但一直没有机会。感谢您把家里的一切整得条条离离,感谢你刮风下去地送我去学琴,感谢你每天给我们带来丰盛得饭菜,感谢你即使被病魔折磨也没有放弃。孩子没有什么可以给你,送您一首歌。may you rest in peace mum, I love you. www.6park.com
You are my Angel. www.6park.com
Everywhere I go you keep me smile
Every trouble I make you will be there
Every word I wrote
Every song I sing
You will always be there for me www.6park.com
Every trail I face you will be there
Every Mountain I claim you will give me a hand
Every moment I cry
Every moment I smile
You will always be there for me www.6park.com
Like a falling Angel
Show me the lights from heaven and hope
You are my beautiful Angel
Show me the reason
Where ever I go
Like a falling Angel
Show me the meaning,
The meaning of life is not about power and gold
My beautiful angel,
I will be there for you
My beautiful angel
I will live strong for you.