走了一天的路,我们说:“多一步都走不动了,咱们找个出租去吃饭吧。”先生说,“再坚持一会儿。。。爸爸带你们来了这么远的欧洲,还不信任我吗?”眼见着前面街上的比萨饼店上门板,关门大吉了,我们开始罢工。。。前面路口有一辆出租车,司机不会说英文,先生急中生智,蹦出几句他大学时只学了一个学期的意大利语Voglio mangia... un ristorante Italiano...再加上他姥姥一直想教他,可他也没好好学的方言。。。还真行,司机左拐右拐就把我们送到了台伯河畔的一个静谧的小区,果然是很有特色的意大利餐厅。
统一意大利的第一位国王维克多纪念堂,The Victor Emmanuel II monument
奥巴马总统也进了罗马街头蜡像馆,棕色衣服的像是圣方济 St. Francis of Assisi,旧金山San Francisco就以他命名。
“ Do you want to order your next course?
you can order it now... or you can order it later...
it doesn't matter... later...how about later?"
笑薇好,欢迎来园子。我们也是从荷兰开车到法国的卡莱Calais,坐可以把车开上船的 P & O 公司油轮,到英国的多佛Dover, 这是最短的距离,行程一小时,真正开船时间只要半小时。票要提前预订,这个公司很人性化,我们提前到了停车场2小时,他们就让我们坐上比预定早两个航班的船。车放下层,人到上层坐,有餐厅,家庭活动厅,电视和无线上网。船公司网站是 www.poferries.com, 我在前面一篇英国游记≪白金汉宫,大英博物馆≫里也提到http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/54830/201109/2273.html
回复megchen & 九月独处的评论:
Dear Meg and September, I think we are attracted to people who share the same value, kindness attracts, holiness attracts, beauty attracts, love attracts...
Enjoy your week and happy Easter. (^O^☆♪
dell123 发表评论于
谢谢分享,俺过去10年去了8次意大利(两次冬天),特喜欢罗马人吃意大利餐的吃法(double main courses),我总会在运动后去吃,梵蒂冈附近是我常去的地方(因友人的家在附近),呵呵。
Morning,Meg & 燕儿! Meg,interesting point!~~~ I found Ronald Regan very attractive, was he "含蓄"&"低调"?~~~
Both 燕儿 and Meg,the reason I brought up this off the topic question,is to do some "soul searching" on myself, Haha-Haha...just joking,I don't have time on that...Meg is 100% right --- "The best thing for us would be: we can be so free and happy to choose whatever we like to be"~~~
Thank you for the link. I love the movie very much. It's exactly like the title. Very sunshine! Italian men are very charming. As a tourist at the time, I did enjoy their greeting Ciao Bella very much, which let me feel so close to them, so warm! Love Italians!
九月, I would tell you, by nature, in life, I love to be with open and expressive people. However, it’s a kind of our culture to be "含蓄"&"低调". The best thing for us would be: we can be so free and happy to choose whatever we like to be and do not come across too many rigid, conservative and intolerant people. This is important.
As for attraction, I would tend to think actually the most seductive men in history (even in the West) were "含蓄"&"低调”. I would tell you why if you have a post for this topic. Hahahahaha...
Dear Meg, sounds like you had some romantic encounter in Italian. Bella, Bella, it never hurts to compliment someone.
In the movie ≪Under the Tuscan Sun≫, Francis met a hansome Italian guy, in real life it never happened. But the author said, "I would like to shock my relatives back home and make them think I did have romance with a hot Italian guy!"
Here is a link to the movie, enjoy your weekend(^O^☆♪
九月独处 发表评论于
好喜欢Meg的这句话:Somehow, being romantic needs to be open and expressive. Meg,what do you think about Chinese "含蓄"&"低调"?嘿嘿 :-) :-)
"罗马的魅力不仅在于她的古老,还是浪漫的代名词。你看romance, romantic...在德国就有Romantische Strasse, 译作浪漫之路,其实是罗马古道,景色也的确美丽。" hehehehe, thanks for sharing! It is so true.
The first time I went to Italy, I was single then (lacked of a kind of protection) and overwhelmed by romantic Italian men continuous “bella, bella....”, but soon I was used to it and really enjoyed the feeling of being adored. Italian men are very expressive and have rich body languages. Somehow, being romantic needs to be open and expressive.