原名"Speak Softly Love".一直没太明白,那么血雨腥风的一部片子,多少人在这主题音乐伴奏声中喋血.可是这首歌却丝毫没有任何障碍地成为爱情歌曲的经典中的经典. 电影中插曲多次响起,但非常动人的一次是Anthony Corleone用Sicilian在Michael的生日聚会上弹唱的. 本想学唱Sicilian,无奈几小节后,舌头就开始转筋...
这也是俺的第一首英文歌. 绑架大战插不上手, 算是回敬绑匪和送给坛中的新朋老友,也亮亮西西里匪徒的本色...歌词中是俺耙的和弦,也一并贴了...
Speak (Am)softly love
And hold me (Dm)warm against your (Am)heart
I feel your words
The tender (Dm-)trembling moments (Dm)start
We're in a (E)world, our very (Am)own
Sharing a (E)love that only few have ever (Am)known
Wine-colored (G)days warmed by the (C)sun
Deep velvet (B-)nights when we are (E)one
Speak (Am)softly, love
So no one (Dm)hears us but the (Am)sky
The vows of love
We make will (Dm-)live until we (Dm)die
My life is (E)yours and all (Am)because
You came into(E) my world with love so softly (Am)love
Wine-colored (G)days warmed by the (C)sun
Deep velvet (B-)nights when we are (E)one
Speak (Am)softly, love
So no one (Dm)hears us but the (Am)sky
The vows of love
we make will (Dm-)live until we (Dm)die
My life is (E)yours and all (Am)because
You came into(E) my world with love so softly (Am)love