Brief Biography Of Very Venerable The 3rd Tenga Rinpoche | |
![]() | The present 3rd incarnation, Tenga Rinpoche was found at the age of 7, where he began his monastic life and studies. He completed his studies with a 3-year retreat. He studied all the tantric rituals and philosophy with many different accomplished masters. From his uncle, he learnt about traditional Tibetan medicine. In 1959, he left Tibet and after spending one and a half years in Kalimpong, he settled in Rumtek Monastery (Sikhim), the main seat of His Holiness, the 16th Karmapa. There, he served his Holiness for 17 years, the last 9 years of which he acted as Dorje Lopon (Vajra Master). In 1974, he accompanied His Holiness on his first tour to America and Europe. Since 1978, Rinpoche has been touring Europe extensively. He is the founder of Karma Kamtsang Association in Poland, Karma Thegsu Ling in Italy, and Lotus Trust and Lotus Direkthilfe in Germany. Since 1976, Tenga Rinpoche has been living in Swayambhu, Nepal where he founded Benchen Phunstok Dargyeling Monastery and a retreat centre in Pharping. Tenga Rinpoche is one of the few living meditation masters who still holds the unbroken lineage of the Karma Kagyud tradition. |
第三世天噶仁波切( Tenga Rinpoche )今年已八十高龄,16歲時由第十一世泰鍚度仁波切( Tai Situ rinpoche)所認證認證并舉行坐床大典,17歲起隨其叔父習醫.19歲時再由第十一世泰錫度仁波切授予沙彌戒,从第十六世大寶法王處受菩薩戒,大手印法要及其他高深的灌頂等,至22歲時,仁波切已經學習及精通了許多寺院用的薈供儀軌,佛法及哲學等.當他學習完成後立即進行三年閉關。1959年,天噶仁波切轉道拉薩前往位於不丹及印度交界。他先後在頂果欽哲仁波切及其他高僧處接受了許多灌頂及教法,也曾是隆德寺的閉關導師(Drupon)以及金剛阿奢黎(Dorje Lopon)。 天噶仁波切精通五明(聲明、工巧明、醫方明、因明及內明),是位偉大的學者、醫生、禪師及藝術家。1974年仁波切隨侍十六世大寶法王至西方傳法,跟随十六世大寶法王有十七年之久。 天噶仁波切在白度母的修法得到殊勝的成就,即使再嚴寒的冬天他碗中的水也永不結凍。 仁波切現在每年仍到德國,波兰等地,继续发扬十六世大寶法王的教學,不疲不倦的精神值得我们学习。 |
H.E. 蔣貢仁波切,靈鳩山頂口傳心經與V.E. 天噶仁波切與所有在場弟子
28th噶舉祈願法會結束後隔天,H.E. 蔣貢仁波切到靈鳩山朝聖,在說法台上與長老天噶仁波切不期而遇,長老 天噶仁波切特地請求H.E. 第四世蔣貢仁波切,在當初 佛陀宣說 大乘法教的聖地, 請求H.E. 蔣貢仁波切口傳大乘法教的精華,般若波羅密多心經給在場所有人, 非常珍貴與稀有難得的一刻。
在口傳完畢後,H.E 蔣貢仁波切非常謙虛的把說法台上的空間,留給長老 天噶仁波切與眾多弟子們進行修法,H.E. 蔣貢仁波切則是自己到說法台旁較隱蔽的小空間,念誦經文。