Really enjoy reading your blog and art works. Thanks.
This must take lot of your time. Ever made Mrs. Hanzhi mad?
汉至 发表评论于
NarzissandGoldmund 发表评论于
注册很麻烦 发表评论于
dq51 发表评论于
Alexren 发表评论于
You are right. 17 states in USA passed law make it illegal to use tax money for foreign language but if you go to china to teach English someone will pay your tax money. Onemiddle school in China has more Englidh teachers than most states in US.
Alexren 发表评论于
You are right. 17 states in USA passed law make it illegal to use tax money for foreign language but if you go to china to teach English someone will pay your tax money. Onemiddle school in China has more Englidh teachers than most states in US.