Go the distance...Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)Secretary: Guys, Michael Bolton is hereOh Great, send him in.Michael Bolton: Hey guys.Hey, hi, thanks for comingMichael Bolton: Sorry I'm late, I got caught up watching that Pirates of the Carribean marathon. Have youseen those things?Oh yeah, yeah, those are, those are great.Michael Bolton: Well, I checked out the track and I loved it. And I wrote you this big sexy hook I thinkyou're really gonna dig.Oh wow that's great, awesome. Should we just lay it down?Michael Bolton: Boys, lets get to it.Whisper: Here we go.Ungh, Lonely Island, Michael BoltonYEAAAHH!The night starts nowTogether on the track, the boys are backThe night starts nowNight starts now baby roll with us, chickens snapping at the neck when we rollin' up.ROLLIN' UPBlow through the doors ain't no holdin' upYEAHBlack card at the bar like I gives a fuck.COME ONLadies shifty eyed when we walk into the set, fuck the fellas looking jealous play the back and get wetYEAH YEAHThree pound in my waist, shank in my sock, you either get cut, get stuffed or get shot.THIS IS THE TALE OF CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW, PIRATE SO BRAVE ON THE SEVEN SEASWhat?A MYSTICAL QUEST TO THE ISLE OF TORTUGA, RAVEN LOCKS SWAY ON THE OCEAN'SBREEZE.Yeah that was kinda weird, but we're back in the clubBuying up the bar so the groupies show us loveKIERA KNIGHTLYMotherfucking ice-man, I'm the top gunnerHeater on blast, I'm the number one stunnerJACK SPARROWWatch it girl cause I ain't your "Mr. Nice Guy",More like the "meet ya take you home and fuck you twice guy"YEAH YEAH!All dressed up with nowhere to run,And now I make you feel crazy with theNOW BACK TO THE GOOD PART:FROM THE DAY HE WAS BORN, HE YEARNED FOR ADVENTURENoooOLD CAPTAIN JACK GIVING THEM WHAT FOR.HE'S THE PAUPER OF THE SURF(yeah uh huh)THE JESTER OF TORTUGA(oh God)BUT IS DAVY JONES' LOCKER WHAT LIES IN STORE?Yeah, we've seen the moviePut your hands in the air and say hell yeah, come onCAPTAIN JACKWhat?JOHNNY DEPPNoFrom the front to the back say we count stacks come onDAVY JONESNopeGIANT SQUIDWrongMichael Bolton we're really gonna need you to focus upROGER THAT LET ME TRY IT WITH ANOTHER FILMWait--LIFE IS A BOX OF CHOCOLATES AND MY NAME IS FORREST GUMP(Not better)THOUGH I'M NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED, I GIVE JENNY ALL OF MY LOVE(Come on!)OK THEN I'M A LEGAL AIDE, ERIN BROCKOVICH IS MY NAME(Nooo, God)THEN YOU CAN CALL ME SCARFACE, SNORTIN MOUNTAINS OF COCAINE(close enough)YOU COCKROACHES WANNA PLAY ROUGH? OKAY, I'M RELOADEDTHIS IS THE TALE OF TONY MONTANACUBANO FLAME, WITH THE MIAMI NUTS(Take it home!)GOT A BASEHEAD WIFE, BUT HER WOMB IS POLLUTEDTHIS WHOLE TOWN'S A PUSSY, JUST WAITING TO GET FUCKED!Ooookay, turns out Michael Bolton is a major cinephileYOU COMPLETE ME!Yup, yeah, oka