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    我一直都觉得如果你想要学好一种语言就要大胆自信的去说,当然那种热爱永远是原动力,这个孩子就是这么飘飘忽忽的上着我的课。也许在我内心里对于ABC的孩子们也有某种“偏见”,你是中国人,你来学中文,本来就应该学好(这真的是我的偏见,应该纠正。)事实上也却如此,每一年都有几个这样的学生不用说他们都是A,甚至其他美国学生都不和他们比较,说起来就是They are Chinese。这真的不公平。这些孩子们的努力没有被充分肯定,要知道中文难就难在书写。海伦在他们中间一点都不出色,成绩平平。今天课上又发生文化碰撞,又让我注意到了她。

      口语测验的题目是为一个朋友庆祝生日,两人相约如何准备,从礼物,活动安排到给大家指路去舞会场所。我打分要求每一点都要讲到,有一个男孩子在最后部分指路部分说“我是你的邻居,”从而省去了费力气的指路过程。我当时的第一反应就是,这孩子真够滑头的,指路是我刚刚学过的语法点确实很繁琐,不过这样有点偷懒。当然下边的学生还没听懂呢,我解释后,他们纷纷说 that is smart. 估计都后悔自己怎么没想到。不太对劲,我于是只能说:That is cunningly smart not honestly smart. besides, not fulfill the requirements. 然后还有人再谈结果还不是一样,又来了实用主义。这时海伦又在那里解释着。之后,海伦又是那样唯唯诺诺的做了她的对话。下课后我找到了她。















helen:我不知道,you know, here, (她开始说英文了。) you know Chink? people think you are lower race. they hate Chinese.

me: i know chink.  why do you think they hate Chinese?

helen: they think Chinese are smart and hard-working..... why would you.....

me: aren't those good qualities? aren't you proud of being part of that goodness?

helen: maybe somewhere else, but here people hate Chinese, of course they hate black... they kill black people... i am scared, i don't want that happen to me..


me: Do you mind if i ask something about your family?

helen: no.

me: what do your parents do?

helen: my dad is a doctor, my mom helps with his office.

me: do you know what they think of being Chinese?

helen: he is not proud of that either. you know where we live, people think you are lower race... they hate you.


me: is your boyfriend a Chinese? (我决定全问)

helen:no, he is Latino, he is a mix, but he is proud of his white side. but he understands.


me: Helen, listen to me. How they think of Chinese is not important; what matters is how you think of Chinese and how you think of yourself.  Yes, you are an American citizen, but still you were born to Chinese parents. I mean it is fine if you are not interested in Chinese culture, you have your other passion. but don't let how others think of you bother you so much. don't be afraid. you are who you are. this you can't change. people can think in their own way but you can prove them wrong.   

helen: they don't care.

me: it's okay. i probably shouldn't tell you these. you see there are so many people now start to take Chinese class, and all they think is to go to China and make money, i mean, at least 2/3 of them. but i tell you. what they see is just a superficial China, economic boom, markets... that's not China. what really sustains China is the culture and its long history. like you just mentioned people are smart, hardworking, i would add honesty and sensitivity. there are many Chinese who have forgotten these as well. but that is alright. what stays will keep staying. you should be proud of having the blood of all those goodness. 

helen: that would be better if i were at New York, here.....

me: well, you do what you do. stand up at least for yourself if necessary. try to start from talking to your parents. 


