最近刚刚读完演超人的演员 Christopher Reeve 的生前自传“ Still Me” 。书中提到“ The man from Atlantis” 。 Christopher 曾被邀请去出演主角,但被他拒绝了。他还在书中提到他出名后被各种电影电视剧邀请出演,但大部分都被他据演,因为他认为大部分剧本很差,但还都没有“ The man from Atlantis” 更差。咣当,难道“ The man from Atlantis” 会是我小时候看的那部当时国内风靡一时的科幻电视剧“大西洋底来的人”吗?上网一查果真是呀。
60 , 70 年代出生的大陆的同学们大概还对美国电视剧大西洋底来的人有所记忆吧。作为第一部引进的美剧,麦克 · 哈里斯应该是 80 年代初最为中国观众熟知的美国人名字了。我那时认为麦克 · 哈里斯是世界上最有魅力的男人呢。记得当时剧集播出后,麦克哈里斯戴着的 “ 蛤蟆镜 ” 和喇叭裤便迅速在中国青年男女中流行起来 。 还经常会看到一群小男孩模仿剧中麦克 · 哈里斯招牌式的 “ 海豚游姿 ” ,双腿并拢,双手紧贴双胯,上下扭动不停。
难道我们那会儿被忽悠,一个破美国电视剧整得当时的中国万人空巷,而在美国本土却是一个无人观看的破电视剧吗?赶快古狗了一番,老美的评论说前四集本是电视电影,还是很受欢迎的,但发展成一个系列,编着编者就没人看了,也就短命了 ( 总共 13 集,我原来还以为中国没播后来的那些集呢 ) 。 短命主要是因为类似的电视剧以前播过,大西洋底来的人又重复了别人的老套。
读完“超人”的自传,为人生的多变和他残废后顽强地生存下去的精神感叹不已,但也为他不屑于出演麦克哈里斯而替他惋惜呀。要知道 Patrick Duffy ( 麦克哈里斯的扮演者)当时都很骄傲地经常提起他在中国比在美国牛!
也顺便聊聊我对书的喜好。基本上是没时间读书的,上学时那废寝忘食地读小说的情景已成一种传说。但时间挤一挤还是有的,在有限的时间里(睡觉前,午休中)我最喜欢真人的传记了。“ Still me” 是我一同事听说我喜欢传记借给我的。我也会买一些回来,但都是降价书或是图书馆里卖的旧书。读传记的好处就是你总能发现你和名人的共同点, 哈哈。
1. Patrick Duffy is Chinese girl's Dream man!, 10 December 2005
Author: freewoman007 from United States
I grew up in P.R. China, "Man from the Atlantic" was the only show that was interesting enough to watch for everyone in my city when I grew up,I remember people would stop everything they do, some of us don't own a TV, we would go to other people's house and watch the show together, it was great! I still remember how intriguing the TV show was, mind blowing for a girl grew up in Communist China who had nothing to watch except propaganda. I loved Patrick Duffy, in fact I did many web search to find this show's English name, because I only know the Chinese translation of the name of the show. Now I am going to buy the show again and relive my fond memory! I am excited. Patrick Duffy, I love you. : ) (now I know why I love Irish men so much)
2. Brings back fond childhood memories, 1 February 2006
Author: wenyi_lin from United States
I watched this show in P.R.China many years ago during a time when there was nothing else entertaining on Chinese TV. It was the first American TV show aired in China and everyone who had access to a TV set watched it. I have fond memories of the show, it was interesting and had enough action to be entertaining. Considering the alternatives at the time, which were communist propaganda films, it was quite a treat.
But even then, a portal at the bottom of the ocean that leads to a city where Romeo and Juliet lived still seemed to be quite a stretch. So I understand why it only lasted one season.
But this show will always have a special place in my heart for being the first American entertainment program that I have seen.