1 信言不美,美言不信。 | 信實的言辭不華美,華美的言辭不信實。 Trustworthy words may not be magnificent, magnificent words may not be trustworthy. |
2 善者不辯,辯者不善。 | 善良的人不喜歡狡辯,喜歡狡辯的人不善良。 A benevolent person does not like tricky debates; he who likes tricky debates is not kind. |
3 知者不博,博者不知。 | 認識真道者學識不見得廣博,學識廣博者未必認識真道。 He who knows the true Word is not necessarily well knowledgeable; he who is well knowledgeable does not necessarily know the true Word. |
4 聖人不積,既以為人己愈有,既以與人己愈多。 | 聖人不為自己積存什麽,因為越為他人谋福利自己就會越富有,越能奉獻給別人自己就會得到更多。 A holy man keeps nothing for himself, for the more he benefits others the richer he becomes, the more he sacrifices the more he gains. |
5 天之道,利而不害。 | 天父的應許,是給世人帶來祝福而不是降災害給世人。 The promise of heavenly Father is to bless rather than to curse the world. |
6 聖人之道,為而不爭。 | 聖人的計劃,是為世人谋福利而不是與世人相爭。 The plan of holy men is to seek benefits for the people rather than to compete with them. |