Goodbye Robin Gibb, Hello Bee Gees!


Filmed in 2010 on the stunning grounds of Ledreborg Castle in Denmark and backed by his own band and the Danish National Concert Orchestra, Robin sings Bee Gees classics, his finest solo songs and personal favorites.

喜欢BeeGee 三兄弟里 Robin 唱的这首歌:好纯情也好悲情, 喜欢他年轻时那种纯纯的笑容,


奥, 如果我知道

I started a joke 歌词

I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying
But I didn't see
That the joke was on me, oh no
I started to cry
Which started the whole world laughing
Oh, if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me

I looked at the skies
Running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head from things that I'd said

Till I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh, if I'd only seen
That the joke was on me

I looked at the skies
Running my hands over my eyes
And I fell out of bed
Hurting my head from things that I'd said

Till I finally died
Which started the whole world living
Oh, if I'd only seen, oh yeah
That the joke was on me, oh no
That the joke was on me, ohh

/>喜欢BeeGee 还是从他们的开始的."Massachusetts", 出国后去找他们的CD, 有一张 他们的Best of,还几张其他的。

我也不知道自己为什么在众多的流行乐队中特别喜欢BeeGee, 几乎BeeGee 所有的歌 我都喜欢, 不像有的歌星,一张CD上,只有那么一两首我特别喜欢的歌, 听的时候常常是跳着听, BeeGee 的专辑我可以从头听到尾, 反复听, 不知道为什么? 可能自己是喜欢他们歌中那些优美旋律,这些是在别处没有的,

时光老人陪伴着,让我有机会能欣赏这样那样的音乐, 如同听了很多古典音乐, 一回到巴赫,莫扎特 或者听听早期音乐,民间音乐会觉得很自在放松,

同样的当听过众多流行音乐, 自己还是喜欢回到BeeGee 听他们说唱人生 ,感动不已。对我来说 Beegee 的歌, 就像流行音乐中的井水, 特别清澈温婉,道尽人间温情:大爱小爱都有。歌中没有大喜大悲的发泄煽情,已经超越痛苦辛酸,痛苦不再是痛苦, 曾经的快乐已经成为珍藏。

与其说他们是流行歌手,他们更像人道主义使者传递宣扬: 仁与爱:

让我惊奇和感动是他们那张:Best of Bee Gees第一首歌是:New York Mining Disaster 1941 纽约1941年矿井遇难。歌中唱得是一群被困在井下等着救援的矿工们, 其中一位,拿着他妻子的照片让其他工友看, 并说:
《海,琼斯先生(Mrs Jones) 你有没有见过我的妻子(照片)吗?
海, 你们知道现在外面是怎么的?
海 大家说话不要太大声, 否则地面会塌陷的
歌中把遇难中矿工们期待再与亲人会面, 重见光明的求生欲望描绘的好生动。在现在人们更关心自我得失的时代, 还有多少歌手去唱这样的遇难故事?给那些不在被人提起的矿工给予关注,

也喜欢他们唱的: 《More Than A Woman》;《Too Much Heaven 》;《How Deep Is Your Love》 都喜欢,他们轻松说唱,开始听着可以笑可以好开心, 可听到最后可能是在侧身低头悄悄抹泪了。
