俺女儿打小我就教育她:No Fatty,No Shorty, No Junky, No Ugly, No Stupid。尽量富养。女儿眼光高,希望事头少。
欢颜展卷林中闲坐 发表评论于
In a word, yes. Your son should enjoy dating, romance and sex at his age. There are at least 2 things that he can learn in this process, which he can't easily learn otherwise:
1. EQ. Attracting different pretty and intelligent girls to bed requires the ability to read people easily and respond appropriately. This 'street smartness' is essential to become a leader in American society. Since there will many suitors for pretty and intelligent girls, this also let him know how to compete and stand out among peers. Success with women builds his confidence and become comfortable with his masculinity.
2. Experience is the best antidote to seduction after he is married. Once he has enough experience with girls, he would know exactly what he values in a relationship, and what is superficial. This works way better than hearing a lesson from Chinese parents.
Four ground rules to tell your son:
1. Don't get STD. i.e. always use a condom
2. Don't get her pregnant.
3. Only have sex with consenting adults. She shouldn't be too drunk or drugged to consent to sex.
4. Respect the girl. Don't lie that he is ready to commit to long term relationship with her if he isn't. Fooling/playing around is also fine at his age. Just don't lie about it.
Don't worry about 女孩子为这样的男人割腕自杀. American girls in his circle are way more emotional mature/sophisticated than that. Even if some girl does commit suicide, as long as he neither assists nor encourages, the American way of thinking is he bears no moral responsibility, since each adult is fully responsible for her own actions, and shouldn't blame others for it.
兰馨小屋 发表评论于
zyxlady 发表评论于
nowadays, a young lady has relationship with a young man not because he promise with marriages but because she enjoys the relationship.