Pick Cherry @ Palmdale on Father's Day - 2009-06-22

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临时的兴致,我们一家三口就开着车去摘樱桃了。Sweet Cherry Farms located at Leona Valley, take 14 Freeway exit at Palmale, go west approximately 10 minutes arrives the farm. Only 1 hour driving from my home, not far but really hot and we get tanned.

It's my first time Pick Cherry (I did pick strawberry with Sally when I was at Toronto). Asked Hal every year at the season time, finally we make it this year on father's day -D. It was fun although bring with Ashton, I spend almost all my time watching him from running away or pick and eat cherry himself. So Hal pick the cherry all the time.

唯一遗憾的就是只照了很少的相片,因为要看着 Ashton,还为了避免他吃的太多拉肚子,只好匆匆摘完快快离去,呵呵。。。If KaHei can come here early, he will love it!



看看 Ashton 是不是像个“小僵尸”?

一个不小心就让Ashton 自己溜去摘樱桃了,结果被树枝划伤了脸(已经数不清有多少次破相啦)。我直到帮他洗脸时才发现,因为Ashton 顾着吃就忘了痛。

Ashton 已经完全忘了痛了(或许他从来就没觉得脸上痛),玩的可开心了!
