Ashton's Diaper Training - 2009-07-01

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From last week the weather getting really hot, which means the summer is truely coming now. Ashton is close to 2, so it is a good time to start his diaper train. Actually we were trying to do this 6 months ago, however since yesterday we find out this is really a hard work, the result turns out to be "not working at all".

帮Ashton 戒尿片是个让人哭笑不得的过程。昨天在家,不围尿片,只穿条中裤,每大约1小时就让他去一次厕所。可是在厕所里十几分钟也不尿尿,还口中振振有词的说,“不尿,不尿。。。” 结果穿上裤子回到客厅,还不到5分钟就尿了一地!(当时他怎么可以忍那么久的呢?)反正气死你,不过你也没办法骂他,因为你还没有开始骂, Ashton 就已经哭的可怜惜惜的,左手拿了个面巾纸抹眼泪,右手拿了个面巾纸抹地。。。唉,该如何教训他好呢?

看来 diaper train it's a long road for both us and Ashton...
