July 17, 2011

繁华的城市,热闹的街市,我们在这里度过生活的岁月。似乎是一个转身, 光阴就成了故事。一次回眸,岁月便成了风景。
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July 17, 2011
Today started out as an awesome day. We bought Chinese treats and ate at the park. When we got home, our uncle came. I was kind of nervous around him since he was the only boy relative that had visited so far. Mostly, I am just avoiding him and leaving everything to the adult. Usually, I read my kindle or type my journal. I haven't spoken to him yet. I am just too nervous. Right now, I am still halfway through my journal. I just took a kindle break and right now I am back to typing. It is awfully boring around here and I don't know what I can type. I am making the decision to tell you my new idea and here goes.
