July 31, 2011

繁华的城市,热闹的街市,我们在这里度过生活的岁月。似乎是一个转身, 光阴就成了故事。一次回眸,岁月便成了风景。
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July 31, 2011
I have two things to write today. One, I am on a train today!!!! It is so cool. I get to see trees and land zipping by. There are three level bunks on the train so we could sleep. At first, I wanted the top bunk, but I quickly changed my mind when I saw how high it is. The middle bunk is OK, but there isn't much of a window to see the view. In my mind, the bottom bunk is the best since it is easy to get food and has a great view. I feel slightly dizzy from the turns, but the experience is great.

PS. We are going to Quinn Lin for a vacation.
