August 5, 2011

繁华的城市,热闹的街市,我们在这里度过生活的岁月。似乎是一个转身, 光阴就成了故事。一次回眸,岁月便成了风景。
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August 5, 2011

Today is the first day on the train and since it is early morning I have nothing to write about so I have decided to entertain myself with writing a little story:

Almost Anything Scares a Red Pig

Once there was a pig that was as red as an apple. He was afraid of everything from dragons to his own reflection!!! Red-pig he was called. Now, Red-Pig wanted to go for a walk one fine day. He met ant. He screamed at the sight of him and when he was about to run, ant told him he needed courage.


PS. I know it is a lame story and i apologize.

PPS. Even though it has nothing to do with this, I once fell in a lake in my travels.
