最后说明一下,我完全理解支持博主说的美国和加拿大海关拥有极大的裁决权,不管你自己认为是否合理。但是,在现在的政策形势下,我认为如果海关不让你入境,一定是对你入境的目的产生了极大怀疑。 加拿大有效绿卡的持有者或者有效签证者都可能被拒绝入境呢。Everything could happen at customs and border and there is nothing more you can do about it. 至少今年开始,除非有特殊情况,一般持有美国绿卡的中国大陆公民不需要为这个小概率事件风险而折腾签证的事情了。实际上2012年底我入境加拿大的时候,海关的人特意给我说,以后入境的时候不要再拿中国护照来confuse 他了,还叮嘱返美一定要护照。旅客最多可以打印个官网说明,必要出示一下。当然了,有人可以说,海关可以不理睬这个说明。没错。但是从旅客自身角度来说,他/她已经做到一切该做的一切必要准备了,问心无愧了。绿卡持有者再折腾办理加拿大签证不属于这个必要措施之一,至少目前如此。
Based on your answers, you may be eligible to travel to Canada as a visitor without a visa.
If you are a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States, Greenland or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, you do not need a passport or a temporary resident visa to enter Canada. You must, however, provide proof of citizenship or permanent residence, such as a national identity card or an alien registration card.
What this article says is a little bit strange. Japan still issue shore pass which is valid for 72hours for the Chinese citizens who are in transit on airline or cruiser ship
在这个页面的中上部有三个窗口,你可以选择你的国籍和居住地,里面有这样一句话:“If you are NOT a permanent resident of the US or holding valid work authorization under E, L, O, H, P visa, you MUST follow the instructions for a VISITOR VISA.”难道这不可以理解为绿卡持有者不需要签证吗? Anyway, 我今年夏天的确要途经日本回国,要在日本过一夜,明天我会打电话证实签证的问题。
Many people do not require a visa to visit Canada. These include:
persons lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence who are in possession of their alien registration card (Green card) or can provide other evidence of permanent residence;
Are you saying that if I travel from Shanghai to New York and take the airline connection at Canada, I will have issue even if I stay within the airport just for running the connection?
觅霓甜祥, Hi. I just checked the link you've provided and did not find the information regarding green card holder does not need visa for changing flights in Japan. Is it possible to provide an link to the page with information? Thanks!