Do You Know The Way To San Jose

Song: Do you know the way to San Jose?

Artist: Dionne Warwick

Do you know the way to San Jose?

I've been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way.

Do you know the way to San Jose?

I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.

L.A. is a great big freeway.

Put a hundred down and buy a car.

In a week, maybe two, they'll make you a star

Weeks turn into years, how quick they pass

And all the stars that never were

Are parking cars and pumping gas

Do you know the way to san jose?

They've got a lot of space.

There'll be a place where I can stay

I was born and raised in san jose

I'm going back to find some peace of mind in san jose.

Fame and fortune is a magnet.

It can pull you far away from home

With a dream in your heart you're never alone.

Dreams turn into dust and blow away

And there you are without a friend

You pack your car and ride away

I've got lots of friends in San Jose

Do you know the way to San Jose?

Can't wait to get back to San Jose.

Rebecca Lin 2012 Spring In USA

林贝卡 发表评论于

京燕花园 发表评论于
Love this song, it is so humorous too. We sing it every time we get on the road~~~

Happy 4th of July, dear Becca and family(^O^☆♪
林贝卡 发表评论于
Do you know the way to San Jose?等4首歌曲视频
来源:[美语世界]京燕花园 于 2012-06-23 14:26:50

Dionne Warwick is an American singer,actress and TV show host,who became a United Nations Global Ambassador for the Food & Agriculture Organization,a United States Ambassador of Health.She is a cousin of Whitney Houston.(Source: Wikiepdia)