Οδός Ονείρων (Street of Dreams) - Manos Hadjidakis / Instrumental
EN) "ODOS ONIRON" (Οδός Ονείρων), "Street of Dreams" in english, is a song composed by Manos Hadjidakis in 1962. It was written for a theatrical play which was staged at the Metropolitan Theatre of Athens. Among the major protagonists of the play were Greek actors/actresses Dimitris Horn, Rena Vlachopoulou, Maro Kontou and Zoe Fitousi. The song was performed by actor Giorgos Marinos and later by famous singers Nana Mouskouri and Marinella. The intro of the song has been made by Manos Hadjidakis himself, who talks about the "Street of Dreams" which "is a street like the other streets of Athens [...] a small, insignificant, sad, tyranic but endlessly kind street".
[感想] 今天和一位意大利同学在老伦敦街上走了大半天, 我们在寻找古迹,还去了英格兰银行博物馆,在一个玻璃箱里,有一块13kg的金条,只能放一只手进去托起,哪有那么大的力气,一点也拿不动!
一路去了很多老教堂, 有的已经只留下废墟,
也去了伦敦博物馆, 里面详细介绍伦敦的出生和成长史,从史前开始, 到8000BC,AD43罗马人在两个小丘陵上建造伦敦的萌芽, 到Buddica抗击罗马人,再造伦敦城, ........到亨利砍头他老婆....伦敦瘟疫,大火.....维多利亚时代......到今日繁华的金融城, 再看行走在街上人们期待奥运梦的人们,
好巧,回来听到这首歌:Street Dream 街梦 Οδός Ονείρων
博物馆里总让人感受到时光在乱穿,是啊,人类从冰川时代一路走来, 现在好像已走不出城市, 难道人们的梦想仅仅是留在街上那些高楼大厦里?只为为那些沉甸甸的金条?
今晚奥运开幕式,至少这几个星期, 人们会有奥运梦,从古希腊开始做梦, 人类是可以超越自己的