401K: I could have done better

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今天是 2012年 7月 23日 星期一
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It is all about market..
来源: 美西游子  08-07-30 16:47:51 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
回答: Sounds way better than it is: 401k 的致命  美西游子  2008-07-30 09:18:43

2 years ago, no one 叫苦连天,nobody shorted his positions in 401k - greedy;

2 years later, everybody complains about performance of 401k, no one wants to long any more - panic!

We all know buy low and sell high. Easy to say than do. Have we done that? It is not hard to tell those relative highs and lows by looking at the chart of each mutual fund performance. As long as we take our initiatives, I believe, our 401k return will beat those fund managers.
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