Wonderful, easy walking trails; some paved, some dirt. Ponds, fens, mighty trees and eclectic structures from a long gone animal park. You will find yourself in a formal park with grassy open areas, a great children's playground and plenty of picnic areas. You can also find yourself on a trail that could be a dozen miles in the backcountry, but hidden in the middle of a great little town. Dogs are welcome on leads in the main park and have a separate dog park of their own. Restroom facilities are limited to ports potties and there is a large parking lot. It can get crowded on weekends and holidays. if you come to GRC at NH...
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回复花自飘飘零的评论:去了水牛城,波士顿,纽约和新罕布什尔。在新罕布什尔州的一个叫holderness的山里呆了一周,那是一所离swam lake (奥斯卡获奖电影金色池塘曾在这里拍摄)很近的寄宿学校。暑假,寄宿学校学生和先生们放假,那里便成了一个“科技夏令营”。与会者是来自世界各地的学生,教授,专家和学者。房间里没有电视,空调,电话。每天都有封闭式的学习。有爬山,涉水,网球,垒球,高尔夫球,划船等活动,一般在下午午饭后至四点半,学习则安排在上午和晚上。每天晚上九点半到凌晨,有FTF的讨论,夜谈,各种葡萄酒,啤酒,饮料应有尽有, 还有许多室内活动如乒乓球,扑克等。