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全世界每年有70万起心脏手术,其中有25万宗是VALVE SURGERIES。根据 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)的数据, the mortality rate for heart valve surgery is about 1.7%. It varies by operation. For isolated aortic valve replacement procedures the mortality rate is 2.5%. 我INTERVIEW Dr.J的时候曾问他,他的 mortality rate 是多少?他说2%。但他接着说,每个病人的情况不一样,有的做的时候已经有各种个样其它的疾病。而且不光是在手术台,很多其它环节都有可能出问题,如麻醉,术后感染等。




易经64卦make up a system of philosophy based on the moral and mystical beliefs of the ancient Chinese, and it is wrong to expect to be provided with an actual "positive" or "negative" answer to any question. Indeed, it is essential for you to realize that you must draw on your own intuition to interpret the texts you are given - for they are, in truth, only intended as a guide to action......It directs the questioner's attention to alternatives and the probable consequences of our actions if we choose one path instead of another. If the oracle wishes to direct our action in a specific direction or through a particular channel, it will tell us how a Superior Man would conduct himself. In this subtle way, our actions are directed towards a positive goal while still allowing us the free will to choose our own ultimate destiny.

我看了这段文字后不怕了。Superior Man 就是易经卦词里的君子嘛。事情本身没有好坏之分,全看我们怎样按君子指的方向走。


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